The Famous Instruction To The Musical Fountain

01 Apr 2019

The largest musical fountain in Asia, namely South Lake music fountain is located in Luoyang new exhibition center, which has a number of the world’s largest: 369 m of the world’s longest NC spring, area of 120,000 square meters, the world’s largest integrated water features, the world’s first hi-tech and amazing fountains of water, the world’s most precise CNC positioning systems, high frequency array with the longest in the world.

The Famous Instruction To The Musical Fountain

Asia’s largest musical fountain Lake fountain, located in Luoyang new exhibition center, which has a number of the world’s largest: 369 m of the world’s longest NC spring, area of 120,000 square meters, the world’s largest integrated water features, the world’s first hi-tech and amazing fountains of water, the world’s most precise CNC positioning systems, high frequency array with the longest in the world. Musical fountain flower as the main design elements, beautiful lines, a total of 5,698 various nozzles, underwater lights 22116, fountain pump 1407, all devices consist of 10 Professional computers controlled through a multistage interconnection network control technology. Became a beautiful landscape to flower during the Peony.

The Famous Instruction To The Musical Fountain

Fountain flower as the main design elements with a variety of nozzles 5,698, underwater lights 22116, fountain pump 1407, all equipment by 10 computer systems controlled through a multistage interconnection network control technology, bursting out with beautiful lines. The sound of music, and road spray water from the Lake, the highest up to 180 m. suddenly, lights, water screen, and music are intertwined, before it embarked on a dream-like world. within 30 minutes, with 10 such as the Qinghai-Tibet plateau, or national, or classical melodies, countless fountains dancing, is changing rapidly. Combinations or as a curtain of water curtain Peony in bloom or blooming, like a Peacock’s tail, or imitation Jinpeng wings, into the sky, changing out of a group of very beautiful dynamic styling … … Water changes so dizzyingly. Taste of water, it is refreshing, the rhythm of the water was so captivating.

The Famous Instruction To The Musical Fountain

Sea World Music Fountain

Also known as: Sea World beautiful mountains, Shekou, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City, is located in the East Sea height, around the world of Fountain Square, is made up of investment real estate in 2013 to invest 30 million building, Shenzhen region is the largest, most dazzling panoramic view of open water, is a combination of music, lights and Fireworks dreamy “water dance”, a photoelectric audio-visual feast.

If the fully upgraded and transformed, refreshed Shekou sea world is the heart of a beautiful landscape, Sea World Music Fountain is Lily’s new city Shenzhen China.

According to understand, by in the section waterscape design and implementation “Sea World” Music Fountain project programme, is investment real estate Corporation in its organization of international waterscape design race among, on multiple both at home and abroad programme for more round selection competition of WINS programme! it is Shenzhen scale maximum, and 360 degrees panorama perspective of integrated hills performances, hills design inspiration source Yu two aspects: a is a double fish spirit, main used has sea world c district double fish seat of building in water in the of projection. An imaginary entity PISCES PISCES echoed false true, illusion and infinity. Second, sea waves, with curves to represent boat routes, on both sides of the circle symbolizes the great ship at sea wind and waves, sparking waves countless.

The Famous Instruction To The Musical Fountain

Qingdao Expo music fountain

Music Expo in Qingdao, is China’s largest musical fountain, mince, liking district is located in the mountain forest park in Tin Shui Wai in the Lake, a large dancing water show is one of the Expo as a whole landscape of Central Park, dancing water show the secret lies in the hundreds of fountains under the Lake. These fountains are installed in a 120 m long, 90 m wide steel structure platform, the platform can float up and down lift, water dance stage. Dancing water show water is a combination of technology and art, along with heated or soothing music, water weaves a variety of wonderful designs, up to more than 80 square meters.

Keywords: musical fountain

Originally published 01 Apr 2019, updated 01 Apr 2019.

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