The Charm of Stone Music Fountain

13 Mar 2020

Stone carving musical fountain , as the name suggests, are the combination of stone carving and music fountains. The shape of the stone carvings and the fountain water are used to improve the decoration effect. Need to customize stone fountains of different sizes. The combination of sculpture and fountain can better achieve the decorative effect. The individual fountain will inevitably look a little single, and it will complement each other with the delicate stone sculpture.

The stone carving fountain is smooth, delicate, beautiful and charming; in addition to having high ornamental and aesthetic value, it can also absorb the dust particles in the air to precipitate in the water during the reciprocating jet of water, thereby purifying the air, and volatile water. Effectively humidifies the air to improve and moisturize the climate; it combines cutting-edge discharge principles on the basis of the essence of nature, adds effective devices to ionize oxygen in the air, and automatically produces "vitamins in the air" --- -Negative oxygen ions, protect people's physical and mental health.

Nowadays, we often see fountains in our lives, in squares, parks, etc. Fountains are large or small, beautiful and elegant fountains decorate our lives, bringing some fun to boring life. With the development of the sculpture industry, stone fountains have become more and more popular. With the development of society and the acceleration of the urbanization process, the stone carving industry has developed rapidly, and urbanization construction is particularly important. The integration of stone carving into urban construction can achieve the finishing touch.

Stone sculpture fountain, Fengshui ball, Hongfu wheel, Dashuifa garden water feature, stone bridge, flowing water, water pavilion, and other eastern and western garden landscape stone carving flower bowl pavilions. The picture shows "Central Academy of Fine Arts Jiaxiang Stone Carving Factory" for the Olympic project Elaborately carved European fountain. The artistic fountain is smooth, delicate, beautiful and charming; in addition to having high ornamental and aesthetic value, it can also absorb the dust particles in the air to precipitate in the water during the reciprocating jet of water, so as to purify the air and volatile water. Effectively humidifies the air to improve and moisturize the climate; it combines cutting-edge discharge principles on the basis of the essence of nature, adds effective devices to ionize oxygen in the air, and automatically produces "vitamins in the air" --- -Negative oxygen ions, protect people's physical and mental health.

The Charm of Stone Music Fountain

Under normal circumstances, within one hour of working, you can reach the world's fifth longest living town --- the air quality of Bama, Guangxi, China. With the accompanying negative oxygen ions, it can effectively eliminate odors, purify the air, and refresh the breath. Pleasant body and mind, cultivating sentiment, calming down and improving the quality of life, this is the essence of the fountain and the ultimate element of its popular market. We adapt to people's eternal pursuit of health and meet their huge consumer market. Feng Shui ball is a symbol of people's ideas and spiritual vitality. The mystery is to give life to the stone, and it is a pearl on your treasure of Feng Shui. Life lies in movement, scrolls show anger, set in the home, vivid and interesting, add aura, and embellish the glory of life; such as the installation of large-scale Feng Shui ball in the hotel, office building, conference hall villa courtyard, add momentum, symbolize vitality, rolling resources. It embodies the concept of Feng Shui for moving water and wealth.

Stone carving fountains cleverly add color to the urban landscape.

The rotating body, dancing melody, and flowing water hold up a great miracle! Let us feel life together, feel life, feel great power, feel the philosophy of life! The picture shows the Hongfu wheel we carved for the Shanghai World Expo and has successfully applied for a patent title. Hongfulun was founded in the Confucian and Buddhist philosophical ideas that have prospered the Chinese nation for thousands of years. It used auspicious materials and set up a harmonious Fengshui harmony. Blessings. Also suitable for private villa lobby, corporate office lobby and so on. The design of Hongfu Wheel is based on the concept of a round place and five elements; it uses stone as the main material and cooperates with the elements of gold, wood, and fire. The upper part is a round runner and transposition, and the lower part is a square spring basin. There are three floors with lotus seat. The beautiful Chinese traditional art carvings vividly embody the essence of Confucianism, Buddhism, culture and art in China for thousands of years, creating stunning beauty Dynamic auspicious artwork.

The Charm of Stone Music Fountain

The correct installation method of the stone sculpture fountain in the garden landscape sculpture is as follows:

1, the size of the fountain is about three times the diameter of the large basin of the fountain sculpture.

2, a fountain sculpture is placed in the middle of the pond to place the base, and the size is made according to the size of the fountain. Can be a concrete base or a stone base of the right size.

3, a circular hole of 30 to 40 cm should be left in the middle of the base to allow the water pipe to pass through.

4, place and install the fountain sculpture layer by layer, align with the circular hole in the middle, measure each layer with a super-flat ruler, and fix it with cement or glue.

5, during the installation of the stone sculpture fountain in the garden landscape sculpture, the water pipe is placed layer by layer, directly to the top of the fountain sculpture.

6, at this time, the test water can be debugged.

7, beautiful exterior decoration of the fountain.

The Charm of Stone Music Fountain

Keywords: musical fountain

Originally published 13 Mar 2020, updated 13 Mar 2020.

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