Musical Fountain Composition

03 Jul 2019

Musical fountains and animated fountains are a specialty of Watershow Fountains. We have provided hundreds of musical fountain systems for homes, businesses, parks and various entertainment venues.

Watershow Fountains has mastered the control, pump, lighting and motion control technologies required to build a backyard or world-class musical fountain.

Musical Fountain Composition

In the summer, the new fountain entertains visitors with the dance of music, light and water. One can select a favourite melody from a special playlist for a fountain to dance.

Musical Fountain Composition

The height and direction of water spouts as well as fountain lightening change depending on a selected piece of music. Water spouts are controlled by special computer equipment according to a piece of music selected. The computer equipment of the fountain automatically controls the height and current angle of the water spouts depending on the direction and strength of wind.

Keywords: musical fountain

Originally published 03 Jul 2019, updated 03 Jul 2019.

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