Kangbash Musical Fountain

28 Mar 2019

The Kangbashi Fountain is the world's largest musical fountain with a maximum spray height of 209 meters. It is the world's first laser and water curtain projection musical fountain.

Kangbash Musical Fountain

Ordos Ulan Mulunhe Laser Water Curtain Musical Fountain

In the dazzling art world, the musical fountain, as a unique art form, is like a flowing poem and a surging painting, giving people a beautiful visual and auditory enjoyment. Tiananmen Jinshuihe Fountain, Hangzhou West Lake Fountain, Xi'an Big Wild Goose Pagoda North Square Fountain, Lhasa Potala Palace Square Fountain, Sichuan Guang'an Siyuan Square Fountain, Zhejiang Taizhou Civic Square Fountain... These are all fine arts. On August 18, 2009, at the 11th Asian Art Festival in Ordos, Inner Mongolia, the laser water curtain music fountain of Ulan Mulunhe in the Kangbashi New District of Erdos was another peak in “creation”.

Kangbash Musical Fountain

The world's first waterfall fountain and the world's first large-scale square music fountain and many other world-class firsts created a number of miracles in the history of fountain construction. At the opening ceremony of the Asian Arts Festival, the musical fountain, as the first tribute program, presented a magnificent and beautiful performance, artistically interpreting the joy brought by “water” and perfectly displaying the water. The tension and rendering power show the unique charm of “water”.

Kangbash Musical Fountain

It shows the grandeur and atmosphere of the water fountain performance. The most eye-catching in the performance area is the world's first high-spray spray of up to 209 meters, and the numerical control, fire-breathing, laser, water curtain, ever-changing, gas explosion, fire dragon, yurt, a Chinese dragon and so on. The water type and the fire type echo each other. It not only shows the Mongolian people's arrogance, but also shows the broadness of the wind and grass and the cows and sheep, and the majesty of the Genghis Khan Mausoleum. It creates a broad, cheerful and exciting for the viewers. The atmosphere has won a plaudit! The water fountains in the center performance area and the performance areas on both sides can be performed separately or in a whole scene, making the overall fountain water scene performance novel and diverse, the artificial landscape blending with nature, and the modern art and history culture blending with each other. The angle shows the charming style of Ordos.

Kangbash Musical Fountain

The miracle of the fountain construction of the Ulan Mulunhe laser water curtain music fountain in the Kangbashi New District of Ordos was completed in just over a month. Such high speed and high quality have made the industry both inside and outside amazed and praised: this has created a miracle in the fountain world!

Keywords: musical fountain

Originally published 28 Mar 2019, updated 28 Mar 2019.

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