How To Control Music Program-controlled Fountain

30 Nov 2018

Music program-controlled fountain is a movable fountain invented for entertainment and appreciation.It is aesthetically designed and often produces 3D effects.This effect is caused by sound waves or light waves passing through water particles .The core equipment of music SPC fountain control system is a programmable controller, analog input and an output module, frequency converter, etc. The use of physical waveform files can be divided into several parts,10 MS precision, basic functions and automatic recognition of emotional impact, lyric, happy, cheerful and other music, to a control signal, through the signal output card synchronization process after the output to a specific peripheral control unit, visual and auditory perception.

How To Control Music Program-controlled Fountain

How to control music program fountain? The control is divided into two parts: one is a fixed program running, the other is music control part. Music control part: when you need to use, can press this button to analog input and output module will capture and replay the audio music strength, A/D conversion, comparison, and the results will be output to the analog input port converter, control the output frequency of the frequency converter, to control the speed of the pump, to achieve the purpose of controlling the height of the fountain. In practical application, attention should be paid to the characteristics of various nozzles. General water film nozzle wind resistance is poor, should not be used in the outdoor wind; However, sprayers such as cedar spring are more sensitive to the change of water level. We should not only pay attention to the change of water level, but also restrain the waves in the corresponding pool design measures. For example, build a longer weir or underwater wall.

How To Control Music Program-controlled Fountain

However, it is also conducive to the resonance of waves, hydraulic phenomena, the formation of pulsating fountains, and common wave surges, so that the water jet can jump, rise and fall regularly. At present, there are many high-tech fountain equipment, also can be used for water art landscape. The bright spring and spring jump jets are very smooth and look like a glass rod that can fall accurately underwater; The spring spring can be controlled by the length of the water jet generated by the computer. Jump to smooth the fountain water ball size control.

They are very interesting and unforgettable. Various high-tech nozzles and underwater motion machines and control components used in large music nozzles and underwater music fountains also have a wide range of styles and wide availability.

How To Control Music Program-controlled Fountain

In our opinion, the appropriate depth is 0.2 ~ 0.4m. Another advantage is that when the water turbidity is slightly higher, the impression is still clear. The top wall of the pool wall should be provided for visitors to sit down and rest. The top of the pool wall is 0.30 to 0.45 meters above the ground. Except for artificial lakes, the surface of the water should be higher than the ground. If the water level is low, it feels like a deep pool. From the perspective of hydrophilic, the more appropriate scale is the water surface, the top wall of the pool is 0.2 meters, which is more reasonable.

Keywords: musical fountain

Originally published 30 Nov 2018, updated 30 Nov 2018.

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