Do you know jumping water fountain

19 Nov 2020

A jumping water fountain, also known as laminarJumping fountain, is precisely controlled by an electronic shutter to cut the water column of the laminar fountain into segments of jumping water. There are certain intervals in the middle, which are linked into an arc. The water column is single and high, small and bright. Immaculate. Built-in low-pressure intensity light source, the water body is bright, and the light follows the water wave, like an optical fiber, and is colorful. The jumping spring can jump arbitrarily under the control of the controller. The length of the water section and the speed of the water can be changed at will. If it is a pair of bright jumping springs, it can realize long pair jump, middle pair jump, short pair jump, wrong pair jump, etc., which is dizzying. Jumping springs can be designed and adjusted according to needs. Under the control of the controller, they can jump freely like a wizard, endless and perfect.

Do you know jumping water fountain

The excellent jumping water fountain can exist in a long streamline, coherent from end to end, like a crystal column, or through the precise control of an electronic shutter, it can be cut into segments as if there is a living jumping water segment with a certain interval in between. , Can be continuous, can be discontinuous, chained into an arc, the water column is single and high, small and bright, smooth and flawless, pure like jasper, bright like a rainbow, and beautiful. Built-in low-pressure intensity light source, the water body is bright, and the light follows the water wave, like an optical fiber, and is colorful. This type of jetted wave fountain is called wave jumping fountain. The wave-light jumping spring can be adjusted according to the design ideas, and it can jump arbitrarily like a wizard under the control of the controller, continuous and perfect.

Do you know jumping water fountain

The number of installations of jumping water fountain can be increased or decreased according to the actual needs of the environment. It can be formed as a single one, and the water column can be jumped from one pool to another, or multiple branches can be combined to control at will, which can evolve into a wonderful and harmonious The water animation in the air is fascinating. It can also be installed on the sidewalk, and people walk through the water gate without getting wet. Jumping water fountain water type is cheerful, lively, and full of fun. It is mainly suitable for hotels or shopping centers, gardens and various water parks.

Do you know jumping water fountain


Originally published 19 Nov 2020, updated 19 Nov 2020.

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